STEM Summer Innovation Internship Registration
By submitting this registration:
• I request that my child be considered for enrollment at the 2023 STEM Summer Manufacturing Internship
• I understand that SSMI is rigorous and sets high expectations in areas of academics and discipline.
• I understand that Springwall Learning Solutions philosophy requires parental and student involvement, and I agree to be an active participant in my child’s education.
• I understand that if there are more student applications than spaces, selection of the students is by LOTTERY.
• I give permission for my child to be included on the waiting list.
• I understand that I am responsible for updating Springwall Learning Solutions with any changes in contact information I have provided in this registration.
SSMI's mission is to transform and empower the socially, economically underserved in Africa, Caribbean, third world countries, and the inner-cities of United State by expanding educational opportunity for the underserved.
Please carefully fill out the form and click on submit