Healthcare & Life Sustainability
Healthcare & Life Sustainability
1. Exposition – Springwall Learning Solutions (SLS) shall utilize every legitimate and moral platform to showcase the holistic approach experiential to education among African countries and among minorities worldwide.
2. Sustainable Development – SLS shall embark on K12 mass education projects designed to teach the underserved of Africa, the Caribbean and other third world nations the basic building blocks of sustainable development such as integrity, honor, time management, transparency, accountability.
3. Economic – SLS shall be in the forefront of a global campaign to educate Africans and other third world nations strategies for sustainable economic empowerment and development. The campaign shall include mass education of the corrosive and debilitating effects of corruption, lack of transparency, fraud and other economic crimes, drug trafficking, identity theft etc.
4. Mobilization — To mobilize resources worldwide to support the low cost cooporative for people of Africa, the Caribbean, Inner Cities of US and third world Countries to fulfill the redemptive purpose of these people.
5. Support Of Community Leaders - Create a platform for sponsors to understand the needs of community leaders in US Inner Cities, Africa, Caribbean and third world Countries and thus support those they desire on beneficiary basis.
6. Support Holistic Organizations - Create a platform for individuals, families, churches, and organizations to identify, select and adopt a mission school to support regularly.
7. Support a village/community - Create a platform for individuals, families, churches, and organizations to identify, select and adopt villages or communities in the Caribbean, Africa, and third world Countries.
8. Water for life - Raise funds and equipment with which water will be supplied to needy communities in Africa and the Caribbean through sinking of boreholes, expansion and modernization of existing ones.
9. Food for life - Mobilize agricultural industrial aid to donate to the needy people and communities in Africa.
10. Medicare –To be in the forefront of the "Roll Back malaria initiative" and efforts to eliminate HIV/AIDS and other diseases ravaging the Inner Cities US, Africa And Other Third World Nations. Basic healthcare facilities will be supplied with drugs. SLS will labor to ensure that Medicare is available to a broader spectrum of the people.
11. City Light – SLS shall procure and distribute transformers and other green technologies utilities for providing electricity to beneficiary villages and communities.
12. Information Technology – SLS Shall labor to bridge the communication divide by assisting organizations and communities to have access to inexpensive telephone, Internet access and other information communication technology facilities.
13. Showcase Africa & the Caribbean — SLS shall mount exhibitions, organize seminars, workshops.
14. Bridge –Pursue a policy of providing a bridge of understanding between Inner Cities Of United States, the Caribbean’s and third world Countries so that working as partners in progress, the two parties can labor to catalyze speedy development of these people.
15. Consular Support: Africans, the and third world countries will be legally assisted to seek opportunities to better their lot anywhere in the world that is conducive to their economic well-being.
16. Protocol for Inner City Leaders, African leaders, the Caribbean and third world country leaders - of - thought. Traditional and Business Leaders shall be assisted to receive the kind of protocol treatment they deserve when visiting various parts of the world.
17. Leadership Development: Conscious of the paucity of real leadership in Africa ,Caribbean, and Inner cities of USA, SLS shall promote leadership development programs that will produce the quality of leaders who will lead the race across the millennium
18. Ethics Rejuvenation: It is the considered opinion of SLS that a key part of the problem of the black race and third world countries is spiritual. Accordingly, City Missions International will promote the body and encourage blacks, and third world nations to have good relationship with other racial groups and nations so that their full redemption gifts can be made manifest.
19. Awards and Honors – SLS shall host annual awards during which it will honor Men and Women, Youth organizations and Companies that contributed or are making substantial contributions to the development of Inner Cities of United States, Africa, the Caribbean and Other Third world countries.